
3 Words 2017 Review

I wish you all a very Happy New Year!

January is the month to review the last year and make plans for the new one. So, it is time to see what effect my three words for 2017 have had. My words were Healthy – Clear – Pause.

Healthy: This was very hit and miss – and to be honest more miss than hit. Healthy applied to financial and physical health. It was very up and down and I didn’t make as much progress as I wanted.

Clear: This was the word the universe really heard. It proceeded to clear out two business partners in my other business ( and my partner and I had to move out of our house which caused more clearing. The disruption of these two events is still keeping us busy and the cause for not being able to spend more time on Space2change.

Pause: Again this worked better during the first half of the year and then deteriorated towards the end of the year where I lost my weekends to work.

Setting my intentions for 2017 using the three words was a good exercise and increased my awareness in those areas. I feel that one of the words had more influence on my life than the other two. Either it could work better for me just to pick one word as other people do or I just didn’t have the energy in the last year to focus on more than one area. I might experiment with picking one versus three words depending on my energy levels at the beginning of the year.

How did you fare with your three words? I would love to hear from you in the comments if you do this exercise every year with one word or three and how it works for you. 

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