Career Change Pathfinding

A Day in Heaven

During my life, I have struggled several times with the question: “What do I want to do next?” And over time I learnt that it does not always matter if I don’t know exactly what I wanted. It was enough to have some ideas about what I want my life to look like to be able to move forward.

An exercise that I found in Barbara Sher’s book I Could Do Anything If I Only Knew What It Was has helped me several times to define my next career. A Day in Heaven also called Your Ideal Day will add more clues to the picture of you and your perfect work/life.

Multipotentialites Pathfinding

Are you a Scanner?

There are many words for this phenomenon: scanner, multipotentialite, Renaissance Soul, polymath… Scanner is a term that American Life Coach, author and of course scanner, Barbara Sher came up with decades ago when she noticed a peculiar behaviour in a lot of her clients. They didn’t know what to do because they had too many interests to choose from!

Does that sound familiar? Here are some more common traits that scanners experience:

Career Change Multipotentialites Pathfinding

You are not stupid, lazy or a coward!

Having trouble figuring out what you want to do?


Every time you ask yourself “What do I want to do?” you draw a blank. Or you think of 101 different things you could do and each of them looks equally enticing. The more you think about it or try to choose the more frustrated and stuck you get. And instead of moving forward with your life you are paralysed.


Sound familiar? That’s how I felt for long periods of my life. And here is the good news: There is nothing wrong with you. You are not stupid, lazy or a coward because you haven’t found or pursued the passion(s) of your life. Here are some of the reasons why you can’t figure out what you want to do.